Costa Rica

Thursday, May 22, 2008

personal:Cafe Britt etc

This is my home stay...thought you would like to see where I have been living...there are three gates we have to unlock and then finally our front door...

This is at Cafe Britt where I volunteered to be a taste tester. Ñ smily face ha This is the more commerical way to make coffee...

Hanging out at the coffee plantation...De La Cafe Tal ..the ¨family¨coffee plantation

Where they dry the coffee beans

Hiking through the plantation to taste her coffee

A view from De La Cafe Tal...pretty sweet... I wish it wasn´t so foggy so you could see how beautiful it was!

Last night we went to our community bar El Pescadito, they love us there! Not to change the subject...but the guys just asked me how often I view this certain website, I had never heard of it so they told me how awesome it was and to look it up. I´m sure you can guess where that went... Anyway, back to that is fairly scary, when you want to enter or leave one of the workers has to buzz you in. They tell us it is safe there, but there was a homeless man passed out near the entrance (Don't worry we are being safe). Heidi and I left early again being the good students we are. :)

Today we went to Cafe Britt...soo much fun!! It was really neat to see the differences between a "family" type coffee plantation and once that is more commercial. I talked about the family plantation in a previous blog. It was really cool because it seemed very natural. We had to literally hike up and down through nature. We saw banana trees and coffee beans. (fruit) We then saw where they dry out the beans. As we hiked back to our bus we saw people actually picking the beans etc. As I mentioned before, we went to Cafe Britt today. It was DEFINATELY a touristy place. I will add pictures to show the differences between the more natural vs. the paved coffee plantations. Even though Cafe Britt seemed very commercialized and geared towards children perhaps we still learned about the coffee making process. The tour guides were very energetic and fun and friendly. I actually volunteered and was given a sweet coffee bean picking hat! I went through a short coffee taste testing process and the coffee was delicious. I enjoyed it a lot more than yesterday’s coffee. After we went through the tour we had lunch there. The food was amazing...those of you who know would be very proud because I tried several new things. I mentioned that the chicken was falling apart quickly when my friend informed me that it was FISH!!!! AHHH… I had only taken a bite, if that and it was covered in hot sauce of course. But, I do suggest that everyone orders coffee from Café Britt…delicious! We are sooo pumped for our weekend trip!! TOMORROW! Ñ= haha that is a smiley face! LOveee and miss everyone! sorry if this post was a little crazy, I am tired and not really in the blogging mood. Ñ=


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