Costa Rica

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

coffee: Cup of Excellence

Cup of Excellence Costa Rica 2008. I was researching coffee and I came across this website with an invitation for coffee lovers to join The Specialty Coffee Association of Costa Rica for their 2nd edition of Costa Rica Cup of Excellence.

Costa Rica is on the hunt to find "exceptional, masterpiece coffee lots" and recognize the producers for their dedication to growing these unique coffee lots. They are holding this year’s Cup of Excellence in Santo Domingo de Heredia at the Bougainvillea Hotel. They are currently being supported by 16 enterprises and are looking promote and enhance the image of the coffee in Costa Rica. They want to enhance exposure and use more effective marketing of the coffee lots that are selected. They are targeting high paying customers that are willing to pay for the Cup of Excellence seal.

They have a Quality Certification which guarantees that they high quality coffee is produced under guidelines that are both consistent and strict. Their objectives for this are to increase the amount of high quality coffee being produced in Costa Rica, to train producers to make quality coffee by offering a standard method of production, to keep track of the production process, to have the best prices, and to market different coffees under this seal of quality guarantee.

This program will offer many benefits. This will increase the culture in the company, there will be improvement of quality and consistency, they can gain more trust from their customers, and they can use it as marketing tool, etc. he Specialty Coffee Association of Costa Rica was founded in 1993. They established it for growers, toasters, millers and exports with an effort to furnish Costa Rican coffee to international gourmet coffee markets.


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