Costa Rica

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Puerto Viejo

Manazillo beach-right outside of our rooms

Last Thursday we went to a medical supply center. The visit was quick but we learned some interesting things. It is important to note that medical supplies are traded freely. I would not want to work at the business we visited, because they are located in Costa Rica there are many hardships they have to deal with and I got the vibe that they aren't treated with much respect.

Later that afternoon we left for the La Selva Research Station. The humidity was way more severe than we had been use to in other parts of Costa Rica. We went on a hike once we got there and saw some new things we hadn't seen before. Poison dart frogs were everywhere you looked. If you read my previous post on La Selva I talked about some of the other things we saw there.

On Friday we woke up early for a morning hike. After that we left for Chiquita. I won’t go into much detail here again, because I already posted about Chiquita. But, we did see a cute little play/dance that these women put on to demonstrate the banana production process. We did eat some awesome banana bread while we were there too. Ñ) We headed to Puerto Viejo after that and when the bus stopped everyone called me up to the front. It was momma and Mrs. Beede! YAYY! We had a lot of fun that midnight I turned 21! We went to this cute little karaoke bar where we all sang. We followed some music and found ourselves at this place called Stanford’s. We had so much fun; we were right on the water. There were tables that were candlelit and tiki torches all over the beach. Then there was a runway where we watched a lingerie show...quite interesting. The place was really neat and a good time...the lighting and music was really sweet.

We got up early to go snorkeling again. We weren’t able to see as much this time as we had before because the water was pretty cloudy, but I did see a stingray. We then pulled up onto the side where we hung out and saw some more animals. A monkey snuck up behind some woman and tried to steal her food...pretty hilarious. The place we stayed was gorgeous...right on the beach. We actually witnessed a little bit of sun while we were there! Our professors finally decided to quit being ¨to cool¨for us and spent time with us one night. It was a really good time, but I did sit on a candle...not the best feeling. We went back to Puerto Viejo and walked around town and went to the cute stores and enjoyed the music. Some of the guys rented scooters for an hour, they were adorable and definitely having the times of their lives. The perfect, relaxing weekend had to come to an end...we headed home and got back just in time to catch up on blogs and work on our other schoolwork. Before I go, I want to apologize if this is a little groggy. I don’t know if I am trying to savour every bit of our last few days... but I have only gotten probably four hours of sleep all together the past few nights...and I did not go out either night...kind of a bummer. Wish me luck...our final exam is at 9AM and our final papers and presentations are due this afternoon. Fun stuff! I can’t believe this amazing trip is coming to an end. Ñ( ...sad face


Blogger ryanbateman said...

I am soooo jealous of your experiences.

June 13, 2008 at 9:39 AM  

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