Costa Rica

Monday, June 9, 2008

more on bananas

While producing bananas workers bag the stem of the banana plant to keep the fruit safe from insects and damage from the sun. The workers make sure to use proper safety equipment while doing so. On most banana farms the bags used a recyclable, because most organizations are trying to be more environmentally aware. Ribbons are used to show the age of the plant or their scheduled week for harvest. The plants are tied up to make sure they will not fall over because of the stem’s weight. The twine used is also recyclable is most cases. The stem will then be harvested in regards to the color of the ribbon and the maturity of the stem. Padding is used to separate the plants and to keep the plants from being bruised. The workers on the farm will cut the stems and then put them on a cable that will take the fruit over to the packing station. They also check the plants size and health. The plants that are harvested are then cut down to allow for new growths. This is when the recycled bags are collected by the workers to be recycled.


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